Kids of all ages love their LEGO bricks,
Now, you can get quality walkie-talkies with cool LEGO styling to stay connected to fellow LEGO maniacs up to a mile away,
They are easy to use – one channel, simple push-to-talk-button and volume control,
- Binding:Toy
- Brand
igital Blue
- CatalogNumberList:
- EAN:0851244008198
- EANList:
- Feature:Talk up to 1 mile away
- Feature:Easy to use – one push/talk button
- Feature:Volume control
- Feature:One channel
- ItemDimensions:
- Label
igital Blue
- ListPrice:
- Manufacturer
igital Blue
- ManufacturerMaximumAge:180
- ManufacturerMinimumAge:84
- Model:LG13000
- MPN:LG13000
- PackageDimensions:
- PackageQuantity:1
- PartNumber:LG13000
- ProductGroup:Toy
- ProductTypeName:TOYS_AND_GAMES
- Publisher
igital Blue
- ReleaseDate:2009-09-01
- SKU:7F022532
- Studio
igital Blue
- Title:LEGO Walkie Talkies
- UPC:851244008198
- UPCList:
- Warranty:1 year limited warranty on parts and labor. Valid only in North America.